Monday, March 9, 2009

Achieving Balance

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of holding on and letting go. (Havelock Ellis)

No, I never wanted to master the art of living. To me, life has no bounds -- it is too short to waste my time on trying to fit in to societal standards. God made every person as unique individuals, not as individuals who should and must conform to what a particular society dictates.

What matters to me most is achieving harmony and balance in my life. But long moments of reflection made me realize the root cause of many of the imbalances and disharmony: I must learn when to hold on and when to let go.

For how long I must learn, I have no idea. The worst irony I'm faced with right now is that I'm afraid to hold on, yet I'm afraid to let go. I'm feeling my way around, hurling myself into an unknown path, unknown destiny, which, I can only hope will lead me to that balance I've always wished for...